I found this book from a recommendation on Meg Perry's website. The blurb piqued my interest and my local library had the ebook so with nothing to lose I dived in. I rated it 4 stars but in reality it should probably be 3.5 because I absolutely loved this book up to the 75% mark, at which point I felt the book should have been wrapped up. The last 25% of the book had me skimming just to get to the resolution and it felt like the MC changed drastically without explanation and the plot resolution was confusing as hell. I don't really understand what happened with the writing at the end there but I liked the first parts so much I am willing to give the second book in the series a chance. I think this series falls firmly in the Fantasy/Paranormal genre with no romance or sex whatsoever. Quite a refreshing change, just what I needed to get out of the PWP rut I've been in the last few weeks with the "it was ok" but completely forgettable MM books I've been stuck with.